Author = {Guzm{\'a}n, Francisco and Gao, Qin and Vogel, Stephan},
Booktitle = {The Twelfth Machine Translation Summit ({MTSummit XII})},
Organization = {International Association for Machine Translation},
Title = {Reassessment of the Role of Phrase Extraction in {PBSMT} },
address = {Ottawa, Canada},
Month = {August},
Year = {2009},
Abstract ={In this paper we study in detail the relation between word alignment and phrase extraction. First, we analyze different word alignments according to several characteristics and compare them to hand-aligned data. Secondly, we analyzed the phrase-pairs generated by these alignments. We observed that the number of unaligned words has a large impact on the characteristics of the phrase table. A manual evaluation of phrase pair quality showed that the increase in the number of unaligned words results in a lower quality. Finally, we present translation results from using the number of unaligned words as features from which we obtain up to 2BP of improvement.}}